Sometimes my features were not calculated and I'm not sure if this was expected behavior. where in UI can I check or tell if the feature calculations were accurate or my rules were fired correctly?
Below is a checklist to help you quickly troubleshoot:
Is the feature used in any rule (either directly or indirectly via intermediate features)? If so, is that rule being run for that event? Run a Decision Flow Quick Test can help you determine if this rule will be run if this decision flow gets run for this event.
Does the feature have the feature tag ALWAYS_COMPUTE_DETECTION or ALWAYS_COMPUTE_UPDATE? If yes, the feature will always be calculated when the event is sent to Detection or Update API.
Does this feature have a DV_CASE_MANAGEMENT tag? And is this event triggered for Action REVIEW_QUEUE?
Does the feature have a FEATURE_COMPUTE tag and the API endpoint is Detection? If yes, the feature will always get calculated but please pay attention to its impact to the real-time response latency.
Is the feature tagged with EXPENSIVE_COMPUTE? If so, when the rule condition is true (regardless of this feature’s value), then this feature will not be calculated.
Below is a checklist to help you quickly troubleshoot:
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